

Fake data generator for javascript with terrible hacks to make it Browserify friendly

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Support the dependencies of klowner/casual-browserify

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Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates
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test framework agnostic BDD-style assertions
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simple, flexible, fun test framework
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borderless text tables with alignment
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Mersenne twister pseudorandom number generator
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micro framework for developing command line apps

Support the repos that depend on klowner/casual-browserify

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42-cent adaptor for the omise payement gateway
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util for building sequelize model fixtures, mostly useful for setting up test data.
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This is kernal code for the seed-bank project. It will be used by all generated generators as well as the generator-genesis-seed
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Granate container for annotated GraphQL
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A graphql server that runs on Firebase Functions and Firebase Hosting. Provides a web interface with GraphQL Voyager and playgrounds, mock queries for testing, and lots of options for customizing everything to your needs.
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Base modules for a GrAMPS GraphQL data source.
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GrAMPS GraphQL data source for the IMDB API.
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GQL Data Aggregation CLI
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GraphQl schema and server for readiness services
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Generate a mock git repository: faygit til you make it!
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Sqlite + JSON
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A test platform for Scatter Marketplace
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Provides you an array of customizable dummy objects of type string, number and url, for the testing and production purpose, that reduces the manual effort of making dummy data, searching image urls and brain storming different attributes. This will definately boost up the devlopment workflow.
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Mocker graphql-endepunkt for brukerapi. Nyttig for utvikling av @navikt/arbeidsgiver-notifikasjon-widget.
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Dummy data generator
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GrAMPS GraphQL data source to load xkcd comics.
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Generate file with fake data
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An OpenAPI mocking tool designed with Jest integrationstest in mind.
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Entando blueprint for generation JHipster services that function as an Entando plugin.

Top contributors

boo1ean's profile
171 contributions
Klowner's profile
38 contributions
cihadturhan's profile
5 contributions
forabi's profile
5 contributions
robertohuertasm's profile
5 contributions
ljharb's profile
4 contributions
chamini2's profile
4 contributions
rohmanhm's profile
4 contributions
dmamills's profile
3 contributions
leonistor's profile
2 contributions

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