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Support the dependencies of kimiui/theme

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dnd kit – a lightweight React library for building performant and accessible drag and drop experiences
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Official sortable preset and sensors for dnd kit
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Internal utilities to bee shared between `@dnd-kit` packages
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Self-host the Barlow font in a neatly bundled NPM package.
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Self-host the DM Sans font in a neatly bundled NPM package.
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Self-host the Inter font in a neatly bundled NPM package.
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Self-host the Nunito Sans font in a neatly bundled NPM package.
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Self-host the Public Sans font in a neatly bundled NPM package.
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FullCalendar core package for rendering a calendar
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Display events on a month view or "day grid" view
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Calendar functionality for event drag-n-drop, event resizing, date clicking, and date selecting
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Display events on a calendar view that looks like a bulleted list
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The official React Component for FullCalendar
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Display events on time slots
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Display events on a horizontal time axis (without resources)
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React Hook Form validation resolvers: Yup, Joi, Superstruct, Zod, Vest, Class Validator, io-ts, Nope, computed-types, TypeBox, arktype, Typanion, Effect-TS and VineJS
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Iconify icon component for React.
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Material Design icons distributed as SVG React components.
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Laboratory for new MUI modules.
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Material UI is an open-source React component library that implements Google's Material Design. It's comprehensive and can be used in production out of the box.
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styled() API wrapper package for styled-components.
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MUI System is a set of CSS utilities to help you build custom designs more efficiently. It makes it possible to rapidly lay out custom designs.
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The Community plan edition of the Data Grid components (MUI X).
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The community edition of the Date and Time Picker components (MUI X).
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The community edition of the Tree View components (MUI X).
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Create PDF files on the browser and server
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headless rich text editor
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code block extension for tiptap
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code block extension for tiptap
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image extension for tiptap
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link extension for tiptap
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placeholder extension for tiptap
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text align extension for tiptap
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prosemirror wrapper package for tiptap
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React components for tiptap
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starter kit for tiptap
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Speed up your Vite dev server with SWC
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react hooks library
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A JavaScript Chart Library
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Utilities for highlighting text in autosuggest and autocomplete components
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Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
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2KB immutable date time library alternative to Moment.js with the same modern API
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A lightweight carousel library with fluid motion and great swipe precision
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An auto height plugin for Embla Carousel
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An auto scroll plugin for Embla Carousel
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An autoplay plugin for Embla Carousel
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A lightweight carousel library with fluid motion and great swipe precision

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