

🎵 A simple, clean and cross-platform music player

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Support the dependencies of keitig/museeks

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dnd kit – a lightweight React library for building performant and accessible drag and drop experiences
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Official sortable preset and sensors for dnd kit
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Internal utilities to bee shared between `@dnd-kit` packages
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Hooks for managing, caching and syncing asynchronous and remote data in React
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A simple utility for conditionally joining classNames together
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The iconic font and CSS framework
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React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
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React package for working with the DOM.
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Declarative routing for React
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The semantic version parser used by npm.
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🐻 Bear necessities for state management in React
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Biome is a toolchain for the web: formatter, linter and more
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TypeScript definitions for bun
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TypeScript definitions for lodash
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TypeScript definitions for lodash-es
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TypeScript definitions for react
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TypeScript definitions for react-dom
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TypeScript definitions for semver
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Create graphs from module dependencies.
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PostCSS plugin to import CSS files
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TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development
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CSS modules support for TypeScript
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Native-ESM powered web dev build tool
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Translate modifier presets for use with `@dnd-kit` packages.
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Headless UI for virtualizing scrollable elements in React
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Tauri API definitions
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Access the file system.
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Configurable logging for your Tauri app.
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Open files and URLs using their default application.
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A React component for the font-awesome icon library.
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A React keybinding component
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Command line interface for building Tauri apps
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TypeScript definitions for react-fontawesome
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PostCSS plugin to rebase or inline on url().

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martpie's profile
1787 contributions
YurySolovyov's profile
40 contributions
dkniffin's profile
38 contributions
qcasey's profile
13 contributions
uklotzde's profile
7 contributions
FKD13's profile
4 contributions
igorer88's profile
3 contributions
cfollet's profile
3 contributions
GilgameshxZero's profile
3 contributions
vprigent's profile
2 contributions

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