

Utilities for extracting and replacing GitHub Flavored Markdown code blocks. For example, you could easily find code blocks for a specific language and run the code through a linter.

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simple, flexible, fun test framework
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test framework agnostic BDD-style assertions
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Reduces an object to a value that is the accumulated result of running each property in the object through a callback. Executes the callback function once for each own enumerable property in the object, receiving four arguments: the initial value (or value from the previous callback call), the `value` of the current property, the `key` of the current property, and the `object` over which the function is iterating. Node.js/JavaScript utility.
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Documentation generator for GitHub projects. Verb is extremely powerful, easy to use, and is used on hundreds of projects of all sizes to generate everything from API docs to readmes.
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Node.js path and fs helpers for things like reading fixtures and writing results while running tests.
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Tag for Verb. Uses js-comments to parse JavaScript code comments and generate API documentation.

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