

Generate self-signed certificates from node.js

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Support the dependencies of jfromaniello/selfsigned

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JavaScript implementations of network transports, cryptography, ciphers, PKI, message digests, and various utilities.
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BDD/TDD assertion library for node.js and the browser. Test framework agnostic.
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simple, flexible, fun test framework
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TypeScript definitions for node-forge

Support the repos that depend on jfromaniello/selfsigned

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Serves a webpack app. Updates the browser on changes.
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Common functionality library for Backstage backends
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Backend defaults used by Backstage backend apps
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Used to bundle and serve manifests web component that build on any UI frameworks.
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Core API used by Backstage backend apps
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Dev server middleware for React Native
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Allows communication to Bosch Smart Home Controller
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Scully CLI
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SSL Certificate for localhost - used by Quasar CLI(s)
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Includes some frontend utils functions
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a simple server
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Self-signed PEM key and certificate ready for use in your HTTPS server
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Quasar Framework CLI
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Includes utils using in nuz packages
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Serves a webpack app. Updates the browser on changes.
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Secret value encryption for @app-config
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Blip cli basic abstractions and functionalities
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Front-end development toolkit, powered by Webpack, Babel, Vanilla Extract and Jest
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Readium 2 'streamer' for NodeJS (TypeScript)
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Development Server with Live Reload Capability. (Maintained Fork of Live Server)
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Valorant API - Authentication
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Add scully to your angular app
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core library for the servers
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Development tools for debugging San.

Top contributors

jfromaniello's profile
87 contributions
bushong1's profile
5 contributions
sandrinodimattia's profile
4 contributions
siacomuzzi's profile
4 contributions
mkapra's profile
2 contributions
aomarks's profile
1 contributions
achingbrain's profile
1 contributions
austinkelleher's profile
1 contributions
chrismccaw's profile
1 contributions
danielroe's profile
1 contributions

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