

a cross-browser WebAudio player

MIT License
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Support the dependencies of jam3/web-audio-player

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Get the quickest, most high-resolution timestamp possible in node or the browser
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browser-side require() the node way
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a browserify server for rapid prototyping
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create a WebAudio context that works in iOS and everywhere else
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JavaScript Standard Style
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mime type lookup for browser video and audio
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small xhr abstraction
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canvas loop/scale utility
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gets an average Hz between two frequency ranges
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a bare-bones <audio> and <video> abstraction
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A thin wrapper around the Web Audio API that lets you take some audio and get its waveform/frequency data in return.
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Get progress updates for your XMLHttpRequests where supported.
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detects whether the browser can auto-play audio
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detects whether the browser supports WebAudio music streaming

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Top contributors

mattdesl's profile
73 contributions
benwiley4000's profile
2 contributions
dy's profile
1 contributions

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