

Retries a function that returns a promise, leveraging the power of the retry module.

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Support the dependencies of indigounited/node-promise-retry

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Create an error with a code
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Abstraction for exponential and custom retry strategies for failed operations.
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BDD style assertions for node and the browser.
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simple, flexible, fun test framework
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Resolves a promise after a specified delay

Support the repos that depend on indigounited/node-promise-retry

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JavaScript package downloader
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Opinionated, caching, retrying fetch client
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gql service and tools
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Server-side library for working with Expo using Node.js
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Common types and libraries for Solana
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Atomist API for software low-level client
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JavaScript package downloader
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Lambda client library that supports hybrid tracing in node js
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Atomist Software Delivery Machine - Implementation
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The Node.js client library for the Zeebe Workflow Automation Engine.
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Notarize your Electron app
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enaknya teh di musim hujan
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- Jadi berani ngebengkel - Bahan pelajaran kalo beli mobil tua - Lebih berhati-hati - Bisa lain-lain
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A set of tools and utilities to simplify the development of Auth0 Extensions.
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A webpack loader for PureScript.
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Apache Kafka 0.9 client
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Reference implementation of the Colony API
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Common types and libraries for Solana
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OMG util module
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a util for spawning git from npm CLI contexts
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(have)Fun with Serverless
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Wechat4u Puppet for Wechaty
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Puppet Padplus for Wechaty
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Robust S3 readable stream

Top contributors

satazor's profile
46 contributions
achingbrain's profile
4 contributions
greenkeeperio-bot's profile
4 contributions
tgabi333's profile
1 contributions
ryandanielspmc's profile
1 contributions

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