

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Support the dependencies of idigi-dev/reaction-plugin-products-extend

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Number, money and currency formatting library.
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HTTP server mocking and expectations library for Node.js
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Babel compiler core.
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A Babel preset for each environment.
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Lint your commit messages
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Shareable commitlint config enforcing conventional commits
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The ESLint config used by Reaction Commerce, following our style guide
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Custom parser for ESLint
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Jest plugin to use babel for transformation.
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Babel plugin for stubbing (ES6, ES2015) module exports
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Static AST checker for accessibility rules on JSX elements.
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Additional ESLint's rules for Node.js
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Enforce best practices for JavaScript promises
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React specific linting rules for ESLint
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ESLint rules for React Hooks
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Modern native Git hooks
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Delightful JavaScript Testing.
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Automated semver compliant package publishing
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Utility functions for the Reaction API
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Reaction application logging based on Bunyan logger
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A drop-in replacement for the 'random' Meteor package
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Validation for your environment variables
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SDK for PayPal REST APIs
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A Babel plugin that removes `createRequire` calls
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Factory util that creates mock data fixtures based on simpl-schema definitions
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Transforms import.meta for nodejs environments

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9 contributions

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