

zkSNARK implementation in JavaScript & WASM

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Support the dependencies of iden3/snarkjs

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Embedded JavaScript templates
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A simple SHA-3 / Keccak / Shake hash function for JavaScript supports UTF-8 encoding.
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simple, flexible, fun test framework
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Rollup plugin to minify generated es bundle
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Utils to work with iden3 binary files.
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Blake2b implemented in WASM
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Circom runtime
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fast cached read write of big binary files
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Finite Field Library in Javascript
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Simple Javascript logger for Node.js and Browsers
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r1cs file format parser

Support the repos that depend on iden3/snarkjs

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All-in-one interactive command-line for interfacing with zkSNARK Phase 2 Trusted Setup ceremonies
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A library to generate and verify Semaphore proofs.
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A set of actions and helpers for CLI commands
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Tools for testing circom circuits.
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Client library for generating and verifying Semaphore & RLN ZK proofs.
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Utilities for downloading snark artifacts
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Client library for generating and using RLN ZK proofs.
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A convenient way for developers to manage the .zkey files from circom circuits, for production and testing.
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A TypeScript implementation of the Merkle tree used in the Semaphore zero-knowledge signalling system
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A Semaphore and MicroMix client library
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Hydra S2 Proving scheme
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A set of actions and helpers for CLI commands
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JavaScript/TypeScript census package
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Galactica Network's Zero-Knowledge Certificates library containing ZK circuits and blockchain library, including zkKYC
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An incremental Merkle tree which supports 2 or 5 nodes per leaf.
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Hydra S1 Proving scheme
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Javascript SDK for connecting with Nevermined Data Platform (Data Transfer proofs module)
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RLN library for Lambdadelta
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UPA contracts, client SDK and tools

Top contributors

jbaylina's profile
445 contributions
dependabot[bot]'s profile
74 contributions
phated's profile
32 contributions
xavi-pinsach's profile
26 contributions
unixpi's profile
20 contributions
OBrezhniev's profile
18 contributions
uaoleg's profile
7 contributions
eduadiez's profile
6 contributions
nalinbhardwaj's profile
5 contributions
bajpai244's profile
3 contributions

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