

A Koa middleware provides Swagger API document & Mock API for routing-controllers framework

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Support the dependencies of idea2app/koagger

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Proper decorator-based transformation / serialization / deserialization of plain javascript objects to class constructors
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Create structured, declarative and beautifully organized class-based controllers with heavy decorators usage for Express / Koa using TypeScript.
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Runtime library for TypeScript helper functions
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TypeScript definitions for koa
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Modern native Git hooks
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Lint files staged by git
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Polyfill for Metadata Reflection API
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Compiles your TS app and restarts when files are modified.
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Create api documentation for TypeScript projects.
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TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development
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Decorator-based property validation for classes.
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Convert class-validator-decorated classes into JSON schema
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Build, Validate, Route, Authenticate and Mock using OpenAPI definitions. Framework-agnostic
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TS Model & utils for OpenAPI 3.x specification.
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Runtime OpenAPI v3 spec generation for routing-controllers
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TypeScript definitions for koa-mount

Top contributors

TechQuery's profile
4 contributions
wangrunlin's profile
1 contributions

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