

Use standard text transform streams to write fewer gulp plugins

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Support the dependencies of hughsk/vinyl-transform

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A tiny wrapper around Node.js streams.Transform (Streams2/3) to avoid explicit subclassing noise
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Buffer List: collect buffers and access with a standard readable Buffer interface, streamable too!
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tap-producing test harness for node and browsers
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construct pipes of streams of events
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Modern version of dominictarr's from

Support the repos that depend on hughsk/vinyl-transform

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Helps to generate a pd-gulp-task-generator
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Flexible web assets packing and bundling library
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🎽⚡️ Living pattern library generator. Move fast and don't break your patterns.
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Compages is the no-compromise content management system that isn't a CMS.
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the bier is gulp task runner framework.
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Pecker is a modern assets management framework for your web application development.
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Remark cli
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gulp es6 js sass build
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Library that applies pre and post transforms to CommonJS files, traces their dependencies and concatenates them.
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modular_srm_server ==================
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CouchDB JWT Auth Proxy nginx.conf generator
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Remark CLI - soltys fork version
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Set of build tools designed to be used with Tollan applications/modules.
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(In progress)
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Remark cli
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CLI tool for goodeggs-assets
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Fun little puzzle game
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This project attempts to replicate the functionality of in pure javascript for use in NodeJS and the browser. It supports imphash generation and import library parsing currently.
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The Javascript development system
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a bundle of gulp tasks
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Bower Bootstrap Composition implementation for responsive frontend.
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Browserify task for gulp, ready to use.

Top contributors

hughsk's profile
6 contributions
rileyjshaw's profile
1 contributions
nickleefly's profile
1 contributions

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