

Convenience module for getting data from an NPM registry

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construct pipes of streams of events
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Simplified HTTP request client.
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simplified stream construction
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BDD/TDD assertion library for node.js and the browser. Test framework agnostic.
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A Test-Anything-Protocol library for JavaScript
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The official CouchDB client for Node.js
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Reduce stream data to a single value

Support the repos that depend on hughsk/npm-stats

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test whether a string is a public npm module
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Collects NPM download stats for a developer
Account's avatar microservice handling npm updates.
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Specify a path within an npm package: download and extract it, returning a local path for reading
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get downloads stats for target npm profile
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Given a list of packages, recursively retrieve their dependencies and generate a flat list of each dependency and its corresponding version
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lists your dependencies in a nice way
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Given a list of modules, recursively retrieve their dependency graph and generate a flat list of each module's dependencies
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get reigstry stats of all package.json dependencies
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list dependencies for a npm module from GitHub url
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Lock all versions in a local package.json file
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Get a list of download counts over the last month for a particular user's packages
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A CLI-dashboard for your npm packages
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count up the total download count of an authors modules over the previous $n days
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Fetch npm registry metadata for a list of npm package names
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Package components for Appcelerator Titanium, Alloy and Arrow projects for distribution via NPM.
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Retrieve the metadata for every package on NPM and store it in a level* database
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CLI tool that returns a list of an author's NPM modules ordered by number of downloads.
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Bootstraps an npm package to follow kindred's recommendations for testing, demos, etc.
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NPM Stats for crossmon-collect

Top contributors

hughsk's profile
22 contributions
dsc's profile
2 contributions
bcoe's profile
1 contributions
julianduque's profile
1 contributions
okize's profile
1 contributions
zeke's profile
1 contributions

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