

A collection of reusable contracts and Javascript helpers for Ethereum.

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Support the dependencies of hardlydifficult/hardlydifficult-test-helpers

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Secure Smart Contract library for Solidity
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A library for arbitrary-precision decimal and non-decimal arithmetic
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Collection of utility functions used in web3.js.
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takes json-cov output into stdin and POSTs to coveralls.io
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eslint plugin for JSON files
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Runs prettier as an eslint rule
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Code coverage for Solidity testing
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Truffle - Simple development framework for Ethereum
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Additional assertions and utilities for testing Ethereum smart contracts in Truffle unit tests
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A better contract abstraction for Ethereum (formerly EtherPudding)
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📖 Solidity libraries that are shared across Uniswap contracts
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🎛 Core contracts for the UniswapV2 protocol
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🎚 Peripheral smart contracts for interacting with Uniswap V2
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JavaScript testing helpers for Ethereum smart contract development.
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Mocha reporter which shows gas used per unit test.
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Linter to identify and fix Style & Security issues in Solidity

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renovate[bot]'s profile
336 contributions
HardlyDifficult's profile
186 contributions

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