

Thin and less-opinionated database abstraction layer for node.

MIT License
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Support the dependencies of grncdr/node-any-db

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Lerna is a fast, modern build system for managing and publishing multiple JavaScript/TypeScript packages from the same repository
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tap-producing test harness for node and browsers
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parse database URLs into configuration objects
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Any-DB connection pool
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Fake adapter factory for testing any-db related libraries

Support the repos that depend on grncdr/node-any-db

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Minimal ORM for mysql, postgresql and sqlite with complete arbitrary SQL query support (based on brianc's query builder sql)
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Minimal ORM for mysql, postgresql and sqlite with complete arbitrary SQL query support (based on brianc's query builder sql)
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Easily create a Postgres/MySQL connection pool
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Personal Postgresql 9.2+ client, built on npm package PG. Not fit for human consumption
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Object-relation database
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JDBC wrapper for any DataBase
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W3gram Push Notification Server
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any-db with promises
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Wrapper for any-db npm module that converts it to use a Q promise interface
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SQL engine for Sense supporting Redshift, Postgres, MySql, and SQLite.
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Rails ActiveRecord inspired for Nodejs.
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Tiny wrapper layer for loading and persisting models to databases with promise based interface
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Load test SQL with
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Extension of Javascript Promises to provide chainable then like syntax for database queries
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Activity Logger
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Store and retrieve time-series messages grouped in Streams
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Bass.js adapter for SQL databases
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Object Relational Mapper for node.js
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An integrated client for CE CM apps.
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sqlbox enhancements for generators with co

Top contributors

grncdr's profile
570 contributions
jfinkhaeuser's profile
9 contributions
acroca's profile
5 contributions
Hypermediaisobar-admin's profile
5 contributions
kamholz's profile
4 contributions
ahwayakchih's profile
4 contributions
spollack's profile
3 contributions
shernshiou's profile
3 contributions
greenkeeperio-bot's profile
3 contributions
amilajack's profile
2 contributions

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