

A react wrapper for perfect-scrollbar

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Support the dependencies of goldenyz/react-perfect-scrollbar

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Custom parser for ESLint
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babel module loader for webpack
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A Babel preset for each environment.
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Run scripts that set and use environment variables across platforms
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Airbnb's ESLint config, following our styleguide
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Static AST checker for accessibility rules on JSX elements.
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React specific linting rules for ESLint
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Extract text from bundle into a file.
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Wrapper around libsass
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React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
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React package for working with the DOM.
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A deep deletion module for node (like `rm -rf`)
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Packs ECMAScript/CommonJs/AMD modules for the browser. Allows you to split your codebase into multiple bundles, which can be loaded on demand. Supports loaders to preprocess files, i.e. json, jsx, es7, css, less, ... and your custom stuff.
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Serves a webpack app. Updates the browser on changes.
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Minimalistic but perfect custom scrollbar plugin

Support the repos that depend on goldenyz/react-perfect-scrollbar

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Theia - Messages Extension
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Teams components in the Fluent UI design language written in React
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Here we have listed all our design system files where. This deisgn system is exported for various products of iMS Systems. Change in this deisgn system would reflect change accross all products of iMS Systems. The design system is a customised version of bootstrap so bootstrap customisation docs and guidelines are followed for building the components for the system.
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Darri mui components
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lyra mui components
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A core library of ReactTS, MaterialUI components.
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Here we have listed all our design system files where. This deisgn system is exported for various products of iMS Systems. Change in this deisgn system would reflect change accross all products of iMS Systems. The design system is a customised version of bootstrap so bootstrap customisation docs and guidelines are followed for building the components for the system.
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React Widget Library
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Theia - Notebook Extension
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Nodestation's client
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MTSBANK UI kit for Promo pages
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<h1 align="center">mcashscan<br></h1>

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goldenyz's profile
81 contributions
yangzhou01's profile
13 contributions
patrykkopycinski's profile
2 contributions
4lejandrito's profile
1 contributions
dr15's profile
1 contributions
Elvinra's profile
1 contributions
G-Rath's profile
1 contributions
ggwzrd's profile
1 contributions
haoliangwu's profile
1 contributions
jeremyvinec's profile
1 contributions

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