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Support the dependencies of francescowm/ethereum-block-number

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Returns an array of Typed Array names that are available in the current environment
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Robustly `.call.bind()` a function
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Universal WHATWG Fetch API for Node, Browsers and React Native
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Define a data property on an object. Will fall back to assignment in an engine without descriptors.
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Loads environment variables from .env file
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`Object.defineProperty`, but not IE 8's broken one.
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A simple cache for a few of the JS Error constructors.
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A better forEach
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Implementation of Function.prototype.bind
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`Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor`, but accounts for IE's broken implementation.
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Determine if the JS environment has Symbol support. Supports spec, or shams.
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Determine if the JS environment has `Symbol.toStringTag` support. Supports spec, or shams.
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A robust, ES3 compatible, "has own property" predicate.
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Browser-friendly inheritance fully compatible with standard node.js inherits()
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Is this JS value callable? Works with Functions and GeneratorFunctions, despite ES6 @@toStringTag.
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Is this value a JS Typed Array? This module works cross-realm/iframe, does not depend on `instanceof` or mutable properties, and despite ES6 Symbol.toStringTag.
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A light-weight module that brings Fetch API to node.js
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TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development
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Node.js's util module for all engines
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Ethereum JavaScript API
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Web3 module to interact with the Ethereum blockchain and smart contracts.
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Collection of utility functions used in web3.js.
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Pure-JS CRC-32
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All the cryptographic primitives used in Ethereum
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Get and robustly cache all JS language-level intrinsics at first require time
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Does the environment have full property descriptor support? Handles IE 8's broken defineProperty/gOPD.
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Does this environment have the ability to get the [[Prototype]] of an object on creation with `__proto__`?
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Is this an arguments object? It's a harder question than you think.
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Determine if a function is a native generator function.
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Isomorphic implementation of WebSocket
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A simple list of possible Typed Array names.
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Set a function's length property
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A stand-alone types package for Undici
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An implementation of the Unicode UTS #46: Unicode IDNA Compatibility Processing
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Web3 core tools for sub-packages. This is an internal package.
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This package has web3 error classes
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Package for managing Ethereum accounts and signing
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This package converts Ethereum addresses to IBAN addresses and vice versa.
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Web3 module to interact with the Ethereum blockchain accounts stored in the node.
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Web3 module to interact with the Ethereum nodes networking properties.
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HTTP provider for Web3 4.x.x
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This package has ENS functions for interacting with Ethereum Name Service.
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Websocket provider for Web3 4.x.x
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Ethereum RPC methods for Web3 4.x.x
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Provide the common data structures and interfaces for web3 modules.
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IPC provider for Web3 4.x.x

Support the repos that depend on francescowm/ethereum-block-number

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This project is a simple Node.js script that checks the current Ethereum gas prices and sends an alert message via Telegram when the price exceeds a predefined threshold.
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This project is a simple Node.js script that checks the current Ethereum gas prices and sends an alert message via Telegram when the price exceeds a predefined threshold.
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This project is a simple Node.js script that checks the current Ethereum gas prices and sends an alert message via Telegram when the price exceeds a predefined threshold.
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This project is a simple Node.js script that checks the current Ethereum gas prices and sends an alert message via Telegram when the price exceeds a predefined threshold.

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FrancescoWM's profile
5 contributions

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