

A simple CLI tool for ensuring that a given script runs continuously (i.e. forever)

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Support the dependencies of foreverjs/forever

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Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
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deep cloning of objects and arrays
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get colors in your node.js console
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A feature-rich Node.js event emitter implementation with namespaces, wildcards, TTL, async listeners and browser/worker support.
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Core forever process monitor
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Recursively mkdir, like `mkdir -p`
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Package for formatting JSON data in a coloured YAML-style, perfect for CLI output
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A logger for just about everything.
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BDD/TDD assertion library for node.js and the browser. Test framework agnostic.
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Runs prettier as an eslint rule
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simple, flexible, fun test framework
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Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates
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Simplified HTTP request client.
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Asynchronous BDD & continuous integration for node.js
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Your CLI formatting friend.
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An elegant blend of convention and configuration for building apps in Node.js and the browser
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An elegant way to define lightweight protocols on-top of TCP/TLS sockets in node.js
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Sugar for silencing JSON comments.
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Test framework for CLI utilities

Support the repos that depend on foreverjs/forever

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Easily transform a JS script into a start-stop-daemon script
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Grunt task for starting and stopping an application as a daemon using forever
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Design and Test Your App in Real-Time from TextMate
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Utilities to manage forever processes programatically or from the command line
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Launch your Markdown content into hyper-space.
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local npm registry proxy server
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Implementation of Bitcoin's peer-to-peer layer for Node.js
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A platform for measuring the quantitative and qualitative impact of journalism.
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s p a c e shared services lib
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React-Redux site for The Reporter Foundation in Taiwan
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A test management framework for Nxus applications, built on Mocha and Chai
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Warm-up your Yarn cache
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A client-server web framework built on Node.js that allows front-end developers to easily create a 100% SEO compliant, component MVC structured web application with an optimized first page load.
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Copy of Yeoman generator for LoopBack, made few changes. For fun
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A Universal React setup with i18n: Babel 6, Koa 2, React, React Router, React Transmit, React Bootstrap, React-intl, Mocha, Webpack HMR, PostCSS, ESLint.
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An npm package that depends on many other npm packages to warm your yarn cache.
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Execute browser test in plain English
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Jii - Full-Stack JavaScript Framework

Top contributors

indexzero's profile
321 contributions
mmalecki's profile
102 contributions
kibertoad's profile
37 contributions
AvianFlu's profile
34 contributions
julianduque's profile
21 contributions
bmeck's profile
21 contributions
Tjatse's profile
14 contributions
tkambler's profile
13 contributions
kpdecker's profile
12 contributions
jcrugzz's profile
5 contributions

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