

Wrapper around fs.watch that falls back to fs.watchFile

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Support the dependencies of fgnass/filewatcher

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A deep deletion module for node (like `rm -rf`)
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A Test-Anything-Protocol library for JavaScript

Support the repos that depend on fgnass/filewatcher

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Restarts your app when files are modified
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Collection of utilities for node environment.
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drop-in replacement for connect.static with live-reload support
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Stylus middleware for connect
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Utilities for node environment.
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CoffeeScript compile and minify.
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middleware for automatic sass bundles
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Watch .tl files for modifications
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middleware for automatic javascript bundles
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drop-in replacement for connect.static with live-reload support
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JavaScript compile service for Node.js worker threads
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recursively watch a directory for modifications
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Express/Connect middleware for transpiling to html/css/js on-the-fly
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middleware for automatic javascript bundles
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Webtask Command Line Interface
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enapso file monitoring component
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Jate server
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Noop Application Discovery
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Fork of instant. Drop-in replacement for connect.static with live-reload support.
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Jate server.
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Utilities for working with processes and workers in node.js.
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watch filesystem changes yolostyle
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React at the speed of ⚡️
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A networked drop-in replacement for filewatcher

Top contributors

fgnass's profile
41 contributions
juliangruber's profile
1 contributions

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