

[MOVED] Shared utility functions

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Support the dependencies of feathersjs/feathers-commons

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BDD/TDD assertion library for node.js and the browser. Test framework agnostic.
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Yet another JS code coverage tool that computes statement, line, function and branch coverage with module loader hooks to transparently add coverage when running tests. Supports all JS coverage use cases including unit tests, server side functional tests and browser tests. Built for scale
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simple, flexible, fun test framework
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All the goodness of `feross/standard` with semicolons sprinkled on top.

Support the repos that depend on feathersjs/feathers-commons

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A framework for real-time applications and REST API with JavaScript and TypeScript
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Feathers Express framework bindings and REST provider
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Add Authentication to your FeathersJS app.
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The authentication plugin for feathers-client
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Shared database adapter utility functions
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Local authentication strategy for @feathers/authentication
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The Feathers Socket.io real-time API provider
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A small configuration module for your Feathers application.
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A Feathers service adapter for the Mongoose ORM
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Shared functionality for websocket providers
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REST client services for different Ajax libraries
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oAuth 1 and 2 authentication for Feathers. Powered by Grant.
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A service adapter for Sequelize an SQL ORM
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An in memory service store
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A common data schema definition format
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Reactive API extensions for Feathers services
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Feathers KoaJS framework bindings and REST provider
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FeathersJS, Vue, and Nuxt for the artisan developer
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An OAuth2 authentication strategy for feathers-authentication using Passport
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A service plugin for KnexJS a query builder for PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite3
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Feathers SQL service adapter using KnexJS
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hook which adds fuzzy search for mongodb through $search in find query
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Feathers service adapters for managing MongoDB databases, collections and users
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Distribute your Feathers services as microservices
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Feathers MongoDB service adapter
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Manage s3 objects using presigned url
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A RethinkDB Service for FeathersJS
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An in memory service store
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A Feathers service for Stripe
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Commons for feathers-vuex and @feathersjs/vuex
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Create custom commands/routes for services beyond the 6 basic methods provided by FeathersJS

Top contributors

daffl's profile
124 contributions
ekryski's profile
33 contributions
corymsmith's profile
7 contributions
greenkeeper[bot]'s profile
6 contributions
greenkeeperio-bot's profile
3 contributions
bertho-zero's profile
2 contributions
marshallswain's profile
2 contributions
beeplin's profile
1 contributions
vonagam's profile
1 contributions
kenany's profile
1 contributions

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