

WebSocket protocol handler with pluggable I/O

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Support the dependencies of faye/websocket-driver-node

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Safer Node.js Buffer API
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Generic extension manager for WebSocket connections
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A pure JS HTTP parser for node.
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The cross-platform JavaScript test framework
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Per-message DEFLATE compression extension for WebSocket connections

Support the repos that depend on faye/websocket-driver-node

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SockJS-node is a server counterpart of SockJS-client a JavaScript library that provides a WebSocket-like object in the browser. SockJS gives you a coherent, cross-browser, Javascript API which creates a low latency, full duplex, cross-domain communication channel between the browser and the web server.
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Standards-compliant WebSocket server and client
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English | [简体中文](README-zh_CN.md)
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GDPR banner to comply with the European cookie law. Inspired by tarteaucitronjs.
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A fast implementation of npm install
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ngx-voicelistner is a Angular2+ voice component webkit speech api for voice based input
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Simple babel transpilation, istanbul code coverage, mocha unit testing, and webpack building
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UI Components for Angular
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This is a [Next.js](https://nextjs.org/) project bootstrapped with [`create-next-app`](https://github.com/vercel/next.js/tree/canary/packages/create-next-app).
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wescheme javascript compiler
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Extensible Binary JavaScript Serialization
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A simple javascript activated dropdown menu
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<p align="center"><a href="https://laravel.com" target="_blank"><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/laravel/art/master/logo-lockup/5%20SVG/2%20CMYK/1%20Full%20Color/laravel-logolockup-cmyk-red.svg" width="400"></a></p>
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com[3~[3~[3~a component on react with a drop-down list and the possibility of multiple selection
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SockJS-node is a server counterpart of SockJS-client a JavaScript library that provides a WebSocket-like object in the browser. SockJS gives you a coherent, cross-browser, Javascript API which creates a low latency, full duplex, cross-domain communication channel between the browser and the web server.
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A plugin for CKEditor 5.
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This is a copy from select2, just extend a function, the `select all`.
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A wrapper for the Google Charts library written in Angular
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Simple, high-performance react component for d3 org chart

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jcoglan's profile
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glasser's profile
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heyvito's profile
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ericktatsui's profile
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funtaps's profile
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gsoltis's profile
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Zarel's profile
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lpinca's profile
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majek's profile
1 contributions

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