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Support the dependencies of exodusmovement/exodus-oss

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Require global variables
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Babel command line.
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Babel compiler core.
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ESLint parser that allows for linting of experimental syntax transformed by Babel
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Compile export default to ES2015
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A Babel preset for each environment.
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Babel preset for all Flow plugins.
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Babel preset for all React plugins.
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TypeScript definitions for debug
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TypeScript definitions for inquirer
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TypeScript definitions for jest
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TypeScript plugin for ESLint
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An ESLint custom parser which leverages TypeScript ESTree
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Conventionalcommits.org preset for conventional-changelog.
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This plugin adds `TypeScript` support to `eslint-plugin-import`
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React specific linting rules for ESLint
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ESLint rules for React Hooks
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Modern native Git hooks
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Delightful JavaScript Testing.
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Lerna is a fast, modern build system for managing and publishing multiple JavaScript/TypeScript packages from the same repository
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The core Nx plugin contains the core functionality of Nx like the project graph, nx commands and task orchestration.
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A Jest transformer with source map support that lets you use Jest to test projects written in TypeScript
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TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development
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Lightweight lodash-like utils.
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Set of eslint plugins and rules to use in Exodus projects
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Exodus plugin to ban Flow usage
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Eslint plugin for enforcing correct usage of basic-utils
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Eslint plugin for enforcing code conventions in the exodus-hydra monorepo
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The Nx Devkit is used to customize Nx for different technologies and use cases. It contains many utility functions for reading and writing files, updating configuration, working with Abstract Syntax Trees(ASTs), and more. Learn more about [extending Nx by leveraging the Nx Devkit](https://nx.dev/extending-nx/intro/getting-started) on our docs.
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The Workspace plugin contains executors and generators that are useful for any Nx workspace. It should be present in every Nx workspace and other plugins build on it.
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easily merge coverage data from multiple istanbul runs
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Exodus-specific restricted imports
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ESLint plugin to require file extensions in import statements
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Prettier config for Exodus projects
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A test suite runner

Support the repos that depend on exodusmovement/exodus-oss

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a zero configuration discovery service written completely in Javascript
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Ship all kinds of services
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Collection of raaghu-elements
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docker registry server implemented in node
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A very simple MongoDB RESTful proxy
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Spawn and expose docker containers over http and websockets
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Rundfunk is zero-conf distributed event emitter
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An http client that leverages ES6 decorators to design clean and versatile HTTP api

Top contributors

mvayngrib's profile
47 contributions
sparten11740's profile
40 contributions
exodus-github-hydra-bot's profile
35 contributions
ChALkeR's profile
7 contributions
diegomura's profile
6 contributions
feri42's profile
6 contributions
marcoskichel's profile
5 contributions
kewde's profile
4 contributions
dependabot[bot]'s profile
3 contributions
andrejborstnik's profile
2 contributions

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