

A simple Base32(RFC 4648) encode / decode function for JavaScript supports UTF-8 encoding.

MIT License
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Support the dependencies of emn178/hi-base32

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BDD style assertions for node and the browser.
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simple, flexible, fun test framework
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the Istanbul command line interface

Support the repos that depend on emn178/hi-base32

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The official JavaScript SDK for Algorand
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PayPal Checkout components, for integrating checkout products.
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The Connect SDK is a TypeScript SDK for interacting with the chains Wormhole supports and the [protocols](#protocols) built on top of Wormhole.
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A 1-1 end-to-end encrypted internet pipe powered by Hyperswarm
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Basic helper functions for HTTP requests, file system, logging, JSON parsing and other basics of a web app.
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TypeScript implementation of the Waku v2 protocol
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Cross domain components.
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Standard library for Reach Platform
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Ledger Hardware Wallet Algorand Application API
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Base32 with URL-safe alphabet (thus Base32URL)
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Atek's networking protocol (uses Hyperswarm)
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BitGo SDK coin library for Algorand
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BitGo SDK coin library for Algorand
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BitGo SDK coin library for Algorand
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BitGo SDK coin library for Polkadot
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A 1-1 end-to-end encrypted internet pipe powered by Bitswarm
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BitGo SDK coin library for Polkadot
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DNS Peer Discovery (EIP-1459)
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Javascript helper library providing plug-in interfaces to multiple block chains.
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Chain-js plug-in for Algorand networks.
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Contains various discovery mechanisms: DNS Discovery (EIP-1459, Peer Exchange, Local Peer Cache Discovery.
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BitGo SDK coin library for Polkadot
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BitGo SDK coin library for Algorand
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Unified SDK wrapper module for tests, shared build config, and deploy.
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An interpreter for the TEAL assembly language that simulates the Algorand virtual machine.
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JavaScript implementation of Algorand runtime (transaction execution + TEAL interpreter)
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BitGo's account library functions

Top contributors

emn178's profile
8 contributions
mk-pmb's profile
1 contributions
vaudy's profile
1 contributions

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