

Swag is a growing collection of helpers for handlebars templates.

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Support the dependencies of elving/swag

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Handlebars provides the power necessary to let you build semantic templates effectively with no frustration
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Unfancy JavaScript
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simple, flexible, fun test framework
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test framework agnostic BDD-style assertions

Support the repos that depend on elving/swag

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Temblate is an extension to handlebars.js
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Elite theme for JSONResume
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Caffeine theme for JSON Resume
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coffee theme for JSON Resume
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Simple theme for JSON Resume. Based on macchiato, which based on caffeine-theme.
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A command line interface for working with PlatypusTS projects.
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Use Handlebars (with Swag) as the template engine in Punch
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Theme for ksquare employees with JSON Resume
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Connects Hubot with Jira
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Simple theme for JSON Resume. Based on macchiato, which based on caffeine-theme.
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Modified Caffeine theme for JSON Resume
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JSON Resume theme for engineers
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Caffeine theme for JSON Resume
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JSON Resume theme for developers
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Streamline theme for JSON Resume. Forked from @kelyvin's jsonresume-theme-caffeine
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Apache solr search integration for the IrisJS framework
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Vp theme for JSON Resume
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Simple theme for JSON Resume. Based on macchiato, which based on caffeine-theme.
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Custom dark theme for JSON Resume based on Caffeine theme by Kelvin Nguyen (https://github.com/kelyvin)
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Simple theme for JSON Resume. Based on macchiato, which based on caffeine-theme.
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Caffeine theme for JSON Resume
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Levelup theme for JSON Resume
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Manage content better.
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A command line application that builds AWS CloudFormation templates our of JSON 'blueprints'.
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Professional JSON Resume theme for new developers/recent graduates

Top contributors

elving's profile
93 contributions
coen-hyde's profile
9 contributions
danielepolencic's profile
3 contributions
Danmer's profile
2 contributions
jpadilla's profile
2 contributions
bitdeli-chef's profile
1 contributions
jeduan's profile
1 contributions
maldn's profile
1 contributions
wpgreenway's profile
1 contributions

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