

Checks if a number is a number, very useful for numbers

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Simple babel transpilation, istanbul code coverage, mocha unit testing, and webpack building
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ngx-voicelistner is a Angular2+ voice component webkit speech api for voice based input
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No nonsense protocol buffers schema parser written in Javascript, fork from https://github.com/mafintosh/protocol-buffers-schema add proto description support
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A fast implementation of npm install
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A starter kit and style guide for vanilla JS web components.
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UI Components for Angular
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Warm-up your Yarn cache
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An npm package that depends on many other npm packages to warm your yarn cache. https://twitter.com/kentcdodds/status/788416673560657921
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Track size of screen, window, element
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carousel with imgs
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React Native component for Feather icons
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Renders Mobiledoc input to DOM output
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Axios plugin that intercepts failed requests and retries them whenever possible.
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easy to get canvas-fingerprint with bah64 and md5
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Words cannot possibly describe this
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Angular2 Toasty component shows growl-style alerts and messages for your web app
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OK SDK support for React Native apps
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zero-dependency babel
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realistic password strength estimation
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A symbiotic visual and textual editor for the patternweb

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