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EEA Volto Add-ons bundle: A known good set of Volto addons to be used within all EEA projects

MIT License
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Support the dependencies of eea/volto-eea-kitkat

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React component and hook to animate counting up or down to a number
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volto-accordion-block: Volto accordion block
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@eeacms/volto-anchors: Volto add-on
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@eeacms/volto-banner: Volto add-on
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@eeacms/volto-block-data-table: Volto add-on
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volto-block-divider: Volto add-on
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volto-block-image-cards: Volto add-on
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volto-block-style: Volto add-on
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volto-block-toc: Volto add-on
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@eeacms/volto-call-to-action-block: Volto add-on
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@eeacms/volto-chatbot: Volto add-on
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volto-columns-block: Volto add-on
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@eeacms/volto-controlpanel: Volto add-on
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volto-corsproxy: Volto add-on
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@eeacms/volto-description-block: Volto add-on
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volto-group-block: Volto block to be used to group other blocks
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@eeacms/volto-hero-block: Volto add-on
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@eeacms/volto-listing-block: Volto add-on
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volto-matomo: Volto add-on
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Volto Metadata Block
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@eeacms/volto-nextcloud-video-block: Volto add-on to embed Videos from NextCloud
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volto-object-widget: Volto add-on
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@eeacms/volto-quote-block: Volto add-on
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@eeacms/volto-resize-helper: Volto add-on
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volto-sentry-rancher-config: Volto add-on to auto-configure Sentry from Rancher metadata
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volto-slate-footnote: Volto add-on
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@eeacms/volto-slate-label: Volto add-on
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Volto Slate Metadata Mentions Plugin
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Zotero integration with Volto Slate Footnotes
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@eeacms/volto-statistic-block: Volto add-on
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volto-tabs-block: Volto add-on
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@eeacms/volto-tags-block: Volto add-on
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@eeacms/volto-taxonomy: Volto add-on
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@eeacms/volto-timeline-block: Volto add-on
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@eeacms/volto-toolbar-actions: Volto add-on
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@eeacms/volto-widget-dataprovenance: Volto Data Provenance add-on
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volto-widget-geolocation: Volto add-on
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volto-widget-temporal-coverage: Volto add-on
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@eeacms/volto-widget-theme-picker: Volto add-on
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volto-widget-toggle: Volto add-on to replace checkboxes with toggle buttons
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Saves the code coverage collected during Cypress tests
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Volto Core scripts package - Contains scripts and dependencies for these scripts for tooling when developing Plone 6 / Volto
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Cypress is a next generation front end testing tool built for the modern web
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Skip the rest of Cypress tests on first failure
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Loads environment variables from .env file
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Modern native Git hooks
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Lint files staged by git
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js function for hashing messages with MD5

Top contributors

avoinea's profile
358 contributions
nileshgulia1's profile
40 contributions
eea-jenkins's profile
22 contributions
valentinab25's profile
18 contributions
tiberiuichim's profile
16 contributions
ichim-david's profile
14 contributions
razvanMiu's profile
13 contributions
alecghica's profile
12 contributions
andreiggr's profile
12 contributions
claudiaifrim's profile
7 contributions

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