

Benchmarks for Node.js JSON-schema validators

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Support the dependencies of ebdrup/json-schema-benchmark

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Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
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node's assert.deepEqual algorithm
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the most correct and second fastest glob implementation in JavaScript
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Like JSON.stringify, but doesn't blow up on circular refs.
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Logic-less {{mustache}} templates with JavaScript
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a package manager for JavaScript
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A JSON schema validator that will run on Cloudflare workers. Supports drafts 4, 7, 2019-09, and 2020-12.
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JSON Safe Parser & Schema Validator
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dynamic json-schema validator
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JSON Schema Compiled checK
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JSON-Schema validator built for speed
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A friendly, fast JSON schema validator
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Customizable and hackable json-validator and json-schema utilities for traversal, data generation and validation
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A fast and easy to use JSON Schema validator
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Jassi is a JSON data validator.
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Lightweight JSON Schema valiation
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A cross-browser / node.js validator powered by JSON Schema
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A blazing fast JSON Schema v4 validator
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A public domain JSON Schema validator for JavaScript
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JSON schema validator
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JSON models using JSON Schemas, events and UI bindings
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JSON schema iterator, validator, renderer, and so on
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Schema-based request validation middleware for express and connect.

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Top contributors

ebdrup's profile
42 contributions
epoberezkin's profile
7 contributions
bugventure's profile
4 contributions
danwang's profile
2 contributions
jdanyow's profile
2 contributions
AlexeyGrishin's profile
1 contributions
ankon's profile
1 contributions
ChALkeR's profile
1 contributions

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