

Add interactive UI to your Gruntfile such as lists, checkboxes, text input with filtering, and password fields, all on the command line.

MIT License
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Support the dependencies of dylang/grunt-prompt

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A collection of common interactive command line user interfaces.
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BDD/TDD assertion library for node.js and the browser. Test framework agnostic.
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The JavaScript Task Runner
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Automatic desktop notifications for Grunt errors and warnings. Supports OS X, Windows, Linux.
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Release a new version of your Node-based project
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Templates for dylang's projects.
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The semantic version parser used by npm.

Support the repos that depend on dylang/grunt-prompt

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add item to sharepoint list
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implementation of git flow in grunt
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Replace any <svga>file</svga> tags with related svg files
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A barebones, generic migration framework
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Capitan is a Grunt-based, system independent Frontend-Workflow that builds on a flexible component system.
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Prompt the user with a list of tasks to choose from.
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Grunt module for deploying and releasing a node project as zip using maven and mercurial
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Grunt plugin used to check and build FCOO packages and applications
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Grunt deployment system
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A grunt plugin to make easier theme switching AND make possible themes inheritance in a titanium's alloy project.
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Reynaers Deployment Task
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The first JavaScript-based dotfiles powered by Grunt.
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the wizard to my terminal.
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Initalization script for itbldz
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kanban in your terminal
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The first JavaScript-based dotfiles powered by Grunt.
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Command line interface for Purelog
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Grunt plug-in to have extended options over grunt-contrib-jhsint.

Top contributors

dylang's profile
57 contributions
ThaNarie's profile
2 contributions
justin3636's profile
1 contributions
MiroRadenovic's profile
1 contributions
NicBright's profile
1 contributions
RonaldTreur's profile
1 contributions

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