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Support the dependencies of drunken005/dplatform_plugins

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alibaba cloud kms client for node.js
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A bcrypt library for NodeJS.
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An arbitrary length unsigned integer formatter library for Node.js
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Big number implementation in pure javascript
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JavaScript library of crypto standards.
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The most delightful and handy Node.js client for ctrip apollo configuration service
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Enum is a javascript module that introduces the Enum Type. It works for node.js, in the browser and for deno.
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A simple module for handling Ethereum units (e.g. 'ether', 'wei', etc...)
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A JavaScript implementation the Netflix OSS service registry, Eureka.
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Flake ID generator yields k-ordered, conflict-free ids in a distributed environment
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A robust, performance-focused and full-featured Redis client for Node.js.
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a body parser for Koa
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IP rate-limiting middleware for Koajs 2. Use to limit repeated requests to APIs and/or endpoints such as password reset.
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Port of Log4js to work with node.
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Parse and display moments in any timezone.
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fast mysql driver. Implements core protocol, prepared statements, ssl and compression in native JS
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Node.js RSA library
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A module for generating random strings
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A node.js redlock implementation for distributed redis locks
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The simplified HTTP request client 'request' with Promise support. Powered by Bluebird.
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Sequelize is a promise-based Node.js ORM tool for Postgres, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite, Microsoft SQL Server, Amazon Redshift and Snowflake’s Data Cloud. It features solid transaction support, relations, eager and lazy loading, read replication and more.
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encodeURIComponent with charset
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simple, flexible, fun test framework

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