

Provides a CommonJS compatible WeakMap shim

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Support the dependencies of drses/weak-map

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A light, modular, promissory, isomorphic Jasmine test scaffold clone

Support the repos that depend on drses/weak-map

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data structures with idiomatic JavaScript collection interfaces
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Draws a big triangle
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Read pixel data from any image source
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Events binder.
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Build your next application with a browser based platform that really gets the web.
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WebGL extension wrangler
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A framework to simplify the implementation of an event-bus oriented microservices architecture
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Set of practical webgl utils
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A polygap (partial polyfill) for the Shadow DOM Named Slot API.
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Output image data to a file, console, canvas, array or buffer
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Unidirectional data flow for React JS.
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Ooze ====
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An evented data API
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ngx-voicelistner is a Angular2+ voice component webkit speech api for voice based input
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Javascript library implementing clock objects for modelling timelines. Useful in DVB CSS implementations.
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A sassy way to get unique items from an array
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Javascript library implementing client and server code for DVB CSS sync protocols
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data structures with idiomatic JavaScript collection interfaces
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ES5-to-ES3 transpiler
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Performant waveform renderer with WebGL
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A hash function for arbitrary objects
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Preview the contents of a set of gl-texture instances alongside your main render pass.

Top contributors

kriskowal's profile
31 contributions
mojoaxel's profile
1 contributions

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