

✅ Checks if the dependencies in package.json and in the actual code are synced.

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Support the dependencies of doitadrian/adio

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A JavaScript parser
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Find and load configuration from a package.json property, rc file, TypeScript module, and more!
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yargs the modern, pirate-themed, successor to optimist.
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Babel command line.
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Babel compiler core.
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Externalise references to helpers and builtins, automatically polyfilling your code without polluting globals
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A Babel preset for each environment.
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Run commands concurrently
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takes json-cov output into stdin and POSTs to
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Commitizen adapter following the conventional-changelog format.
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Modern native Git hooks
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Delightful JavaScript Testing.
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Lint files staged by git
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A deep deletion module for node (like `rm -rf`)
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Automated semver compliant package publishing
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wait-on is a cross platform command line utility and Node.js API which will wait for files, ports, sockets, and http(s) resources to become available
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test whether a require string is relative
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gets the package name for a require statement

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adrians5j's profile
48 contributions
TillaTheHun0's profile
2 contributions

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