

Up to date Discord API Typings, versioned by the API version

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Support the dependencies of discordjs/discord-api-types

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Lint your commit messages
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Shareable commitlint config enforcing the angular commit convention
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TypeScript definitions for node
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Utilities for working with TypeScript + ESLint together
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Generate a changelog from git metadata.
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This plugin adds `TypeScript` support to `eslint-plugin-import`
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Generate ESM wrapper files for CommonJS modules
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Modern native Git hooks
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Detect if the current environment is a CI server
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Lint files staged by git
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A CLI tool to run multiple npm-scripts in parallel or sequential. (Maintainence fork)
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A deep deletion module for node (like `rm -rf`)
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TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development
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Programmatically deprecate your NPM published packages
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Standard Prettier config for the Sapphire Community
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Generated TypeScript definitions based on community contributed JSON Schemas
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GitHub API client for GitHub Actions
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Get a recommended version bump based on conventional commits.
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The ultimate ESLint shareable config
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utilities for working with typescript's AST

Support the repos that depend on discordjs/discord-api-types

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A powerful library for interacting with the Discord API
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The REST API for discord.js
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A set of builders that you can use when creating your bot
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Implementation of the Discord Voice API for Node.js
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A unofficial discord.js fork for creating selfbots [Based on discord.js v13]
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A set of functions to format strings for Discord.
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A thinly abstracted wrapper around the rest API, and gateway.
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Wrapper around Discord's gateway
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Utilities used by reciple modules
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The REST API for discord.js
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Discord specific utilities for your JavaScript/TypeScript bots
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The REST API for discord.js
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Wrapper around Discord's gateway
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Cordis' REST utilities for the Discord API
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util functions for darkcord library
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Minimalistic Rest client for the Discord Api
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Common things amongst the cordis infrastructure
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Create your discord bot by using TypeScript and decorators!
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A set of builders that you can use when creating your bot
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A NodeJS Package to interact with Discord API
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Wrapper around Discord's gateway
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a fork of discordjs/RPC
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A npm package that helps you create better Discord Embeds using discord.js.
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Discord API framework for Cloudflare Workers, Bun, Node, and Deno
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A Commands framework for @nezuchan/nezu-gateway.
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A powerful TypeScript library for interacting with the Discord API
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A Core Low Level API for creating Discord bots using @nezuchan/nezu-gateway.
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A thinly abstracted wrapper around the rest API, and gateway.
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The core classes for Crossbuild
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A Discord library written in TypeScript for developers looking to interface directly with the Discord API with little to no abstractions.

Top contributors

vladfrangu's profile
156 contributions
github-actions[bot]'s profile
137 contributions
renovate[bot]'s profile
128 contributions
almeidx's profile
111 contributions
advaith1's profile
75 contributions
suneettipirneni's profile
59 contributions
dependabot[bot]'s profile
43 contributions
Jiralite's profile
42 contributions
vvito7's profile
41 contributions
Mateo-tem's profile
37 contributions

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