

iD Editor for mapeo-desktop

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Support the dependencies of digidem/id-mapeo

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convert KML and GPX to GeoJSON
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Parses vector tiles
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turf bbox-clip module
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Tools for Arabic language word games
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remove diacritics from strings
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deterministic `JSON.stringify()` - a faster version of substack's json-stable-strigify without jsonify
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A markdown parser built for speed
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A node.js module for text diffing and three-way-merge.
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A usable example of JavaScript OAuth 2.0 with OpenStreetMap
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Pannellum is a lightweight, free, and open source panorama viewer for the web.
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A library for promises (CommonJS/Promises/A,B,D)
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High-performance 2D spatial index for rectangles (based on R*-tree with bulk loading and bulk insertion algorithms)
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Index for matching points against a set of GeoJSON polygons
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The iconic font, CSS, and SVG framework
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The iconic font, CSS, and SVG framework
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The iconic font, CSS, and SVG framework
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The iconic font, CSS, and SVG framework
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Pixel-perfect icons for web cartography
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BDD/TDD assertion library for node.js and the browser. Test framework agnostic.
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Basic CLDR supplemental data
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Translated versions of locale display name elements: languages, scripts, territories, and variants.
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get colors in your node.js console
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Concatenate files asynchronously
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Data-Driven Documents
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the most correct and second fastest glob implementation in JavaScript
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A fast and easy to use JSON Schema validator
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parse argument options
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simple, flexible, fun test framework
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string representations of objects in node and the browser
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Headless WebKit with JS API
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Minimal polyfills for modern browser applications
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Martinez polygon clipping algorithm, does boolean operation on polygons (multipolygons, polygons with holes etc): intersection, union, difference, xor
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list of Wikimedia wikis
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A convenient alternative to XMLHttpRequest.
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real browser events
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A globbing fs.watch wrapper built from the best parts of other fine watch libs.
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Source repository of `svg` files to generate sprites for mapillary.com
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A WebGL interactive street imagery library
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Run client-side mocha tests in phantomjs or slimerjs
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Canonical common brand names for OpenStreetMap
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An index of community resources for OpenStreetMap

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Top contributors

bhousel's profile
4188 contributions
jfirebaugh's profile
1870 contributions
tmcw's profile
1274 contributions
quincylvania's profile
1216 contributions
ansis's profile
701 contributions
samanpwbb's profile
505 contributions
greenkeeper[bot]'s profile
141 contributions
kepta's profile
131 contributions
greenkeeperio-bot's profile
116 contributions
JamesKingdom's profile
110 contributions

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