

:guardsman: React's PropTypes, as a standalone module.

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Support the dependencies of developit/proptypes

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A Babel preset for each environment.

Support the repos that depend on developit/proptypes

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EasyPost Node Client Library
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A boilerplate for playing around with react, redux and react-router with the help of webpack.
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React animations with animate.css
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AddThis Flux Framework
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Preact starter project for a weather app powered by webpack.
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A React compatibility layer for Preact
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A typewriter component for react-native
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Code split any library using React renderProps
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A table component made with React, with pagination, search and sorting. Works on small screens.
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Inferno animations with animate.css
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Inferno outside click handler component
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A Preact adapater for the Enzyme testing utility
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## install & setup - install [node.js]( version 8+
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Launch peer-to-peer video calls from command-line
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CMP for 24Sverige built on the IAB CMP framework
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A boilerplate for playing around with react, redux and react-router with the help of webpack.
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React-responsive-grid is a package offering a grid layout system for your react projects. It's easy to use and highly customisable via props. It works in a very similar way to other grids in frontend frameworks like Bootstrap or Semantic UI. The main difference is the high level of flexibility that react-responsive-grid uses. It allows you to set up the number of columns you want for your grid (default is set to 12). You pretty much have full control over your grid because all default styles can be overridden simply by passing your own styles into the grid via the style prop.
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Inferno4/5 animations with animate.css

Top contributors

developit's profile
17 contributions
sapegin's profile
3 contributions
Haroenv's profile
1 contributions
mikestead's profile
1 contributions
oliviertassinari's profile
1 contributions

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