

The next open source file uploader for web browsers :dog:

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Support the dependencies of davvyy00/uppy

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A simple utility for conditionally joining classNames together
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Collision-resistant ids optimized for horizontal scaling and performance. For node and browsers.
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A lightweight library that provides tools for organizing asynchronous code
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tiny event emitter with namespaces
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augment pretty-bytes to make the output a little more readable (and a little less precise)
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Realtime application framework client
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Small footprint URL parser that works seamlessly across Node.js and browser environments
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A window.fetch polyfill.
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Jest plugin to use babel for transformation.
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A Babel preset for each environment.
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Babel browserify transform
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browser-side require() the node way
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BDD/TDD assertion library for node.js and the browser. Test framework agnostic.
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A tool for analyzing the module tree of a browserify bundle or node project
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JavaScript Testing utilities for React
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JavaScript Testing utilities for React
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JavaScript Standard Style - ESLint Shareable Config
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Lint browser compatibility of API used
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Additional ESLint's rules for Node.js
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Enforce best practices for JavaScript promises
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ESlint Plugin for the Standard Linter
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Externalizes the source map found inside a stream to an external `.js.map` file
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the most correct and second fastest glob implementation in JavaScript
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Isomorphic WHATWG Fetch API, for Node & Browserify
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HTML5 drag & drop for humans
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A simple function to check whether a mimetype matches the specified mimetype (with wildcard support)
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A pure JavaScript client for the tus resumable upload protocol
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Babel plugin that rewrites Promise references to es6-promise, but only if necessary
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JavaScript Standard Style Preact/JSX support - ESLint Shareable Config
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Gets form data via form.elements
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Install a Makefile into your node projects that acts as an npm run-script wrapper
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Node.js script, which outputs all the contributors for given project in different formats

Support the repos that depend on davvyy00/uppy

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Services, components, models & utils to build CrafterCMS authoring extensions.
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Angular Wrapper of Upply Uploader
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uppy uploader plugin for qiniu.com
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Offical npm module of Filelib API
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availity uppy plugin ui upload
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Laravel package to create admin panel.
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React component which wraps uppy with availity API integrations
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Ticketing for sanjab (https://github.com/sanjabteam/sanjab)
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A VueJs based uploader which upload files to cloudinary using uppy

Top contributors

arturi's profile
2491 contributions
goto-bus-stop's profile
839 contributions
kvz's profile
640 contributions
hedgerh's profile
263 contributions
ifedapoolarewaju's profile
186 contributions
sadovnychyi's profile
27 contributions
richardwillars's profile
24 contributions
AJvanLoon's profile
21 contributions
zcallan's profile
15 contributions
oliverpool's profile
11 contributions

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