

Iterate all properties of object or array

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Support the dependencies of darekf77/lodash-walk-object

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Custom webpack builders for Angular build facade. Allow to modify Angular build configuration without ejecting it
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Angular Webpack Build Facade
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Angular DevKit - Core Utility Library
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Angular CLI builder for ESLint
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ESLint plugin for Angular applications, following https://angular.dev/style-guide
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ESLint plugin for Angular Templates
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Angular Schematics for angular-eslint
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Angular Template parser for ESLint
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Material password strength meter to indicate how secure is the provided password
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Angular - animations integration with web-animations
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Angular Material Component Development Kit
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CLI tool for Angular
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Angular - commonly needed directives and services
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Angular - the compiler library
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Angular - the compiler CLI for Node.js
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Angular - the core framework
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Angular - library for using Angular Components as Custom Elements
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Angular - directives and services for creating forms
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Angular Material
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Angular - library for using Angular in a web browser
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Angular - library for using Angular in a web browser with JIT compilation
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PWA schematics for Angular
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Angular - the routing library
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Angular - service worker tooling!
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Babel command line.
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The missing documentation tool for your Angular application
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Inquirer prompts, combined in a single package
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Dist for Material Design Icons for JS/TypeScript
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Angular Material Extensions
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All the Fake Data for All Your Real Needs
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Smoking hot Notifications for Angular. Lightweight, customizable and beautiful by default.
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The Template for Success in Template Management
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A powerful tool to simplify your Angular tests
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Reactive store for component state
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API management for NgRx
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Side effect model for @ngrx/store
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Common utilities for entity reducers
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Bindings to connect @angular/router to @ngrx/store
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NgRx Schematics for Angular
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RxJS powered Redux for Angular apps
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Formats SQL queries. Part of SQLTools
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Developer tools for @ngrx/store
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Formly is a dynamic (JSON powered) form library for Angular that bring unmatched maintainability to your application's forms.
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Formly is a dynamic (JSON powered) form library for Angular that bring unmatched maintainability to your application's forms.
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Usefull helper to have in your typescript project

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