

Spellcast's Web Client Extension

MIT License
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Support the dependencies of cronvel/spellcast-ext-web-client

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EXtension Manager.
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Expression objects for kung-fig.
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A lean Promises and Async lib for ES6/ES7
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A string manipulation toolbox, featuring a string formatter (inspired by sprintf), a variable inspector (output featuring ANSI colors and HTML) and various escape functions (shell argument, regexp, html, etc).
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browser-side require() the node way
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A small DOM toolkit.
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The next generation of events handling for javascript! New: abstract away the network!
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A SVG toolkit, with its own Vector Graphics structure, multiple renderers (svg text, DOM svg, canvas), and featuring Flowing Text.
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Shared code/utilities across Spellcast client and server.

Top contributors

cronvel's profile
63 contributions

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