

A collection of helpers and partials for handlebars

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Support the dependencies of clay/handlebars

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Modern JavaScript date utility library
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the most correct and second fastest glob implementation in JavaScript
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Handlebars provides the power necessary to let you build semantic templates effectively with no frustration
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A robust HTML entities encoder/decoder with full Unicode support.
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Like JSON.stringify, but doesn't blow up on circular refs.
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Remove leading indentation from ES6 template literals.
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A module for generating random strings
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JavaScript test spies, stubs and mocks.
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babel module loader for webpack
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BDD/TDD assertion library for node.js and the browser. Test framework agnostic.
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takes json-cov output into stdin and POSTs to
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a documentation generator
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Yet another JS code coverage tool that computes statement, line, function and branch coverage with module loader hooks to transparently add coverage when running tests. Supports all JS coverage use cases including unit tests, server side functional tests and browser tests. Built for scale
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simple, flexible, fun test framework
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Automatically install pre-commit hooks for your npm modules.
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Packs ECMAScript/CommonJs/AMD modules for the browser. Allows you to split your codebase into multiple bundles, which can be loaded on demand. Supports loaders to preprocess files, i.e. json, jsx, es7, css, less, ... and your custom stuff.
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An isomorphic logging module for Clay projects
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Generate a slug – transliteration with a lot of options
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PHP strip_tags in Node.js
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Node.js module convert numbers to amounts
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A Handlebars template loader for Webpack
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Template helper for parsing YAML from a string.

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nelsonpecora's profile
132 contributions
davidandrewfrey's profile
11 contributions
allysonyoung's profile
10 contributions
dependabot[bot]'s profile
6 contributions
cperryk's profile
5 contributions
byronhulcher's profile
3 contributions
jpope19's profile
3 contributions
jonwinton's profile
3 contributions
fraddski's profile
3 contributions
jasondecastro's profile
2 contributions

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