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Support the dependencies of cheminfo/common-spectrum

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TypeScript definitions for react
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V8 coverage provider for Vitest
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baselines provides a collection of baseline correction methods.
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Types for cheminfo packages and cheminfo data schema
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Convert strings into JCAMP
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Check if a value is any kind of array
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JavaScript library for quantity calculation and unit conversion
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Normalize the values of a given array
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Rescale an array into a range
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Get the closest point for a specific abscissa value
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Filter a XY array based on x values
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Global Spectra Deconvolution
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Generate various peak shapes
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Savitzky–Golay filter
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Process data in the form of {x:[], y:[]}
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Fit spectra using gaussian or lorentzian
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Various method to process spectra
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Library of React components to render SVG 2D plots.
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Next generation testing framework powered by Vite
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Parse a text-file and convert it to an array of XY points
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TypeScript definitions for d3-scale
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TypeScript definitions for js-quantities
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CLI tool to build ChemInfo packages
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Shared ESLint config for TypeScript projects
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Extend jest to assert arrays with approximate values
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A deep deletion module for node (like `rm -rf`)
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TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development

Support the repos that depend on cheminfo/common-spectrum

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xrd-analysis can convert output files from powder-xray diffraction into JCAMP-DX format and perform analysis (Scherrer equation, ...) on the diffractograms
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Project that allows to deal with pellet hardness
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Project that allows to deal with Differential Centrifugal Sedimentation (DCS)
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isotherm-analysis allows to parse and analyze isotherms. It converts from multiple formats to JCAMP-DX and provides utilities for basic analysis.
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Project that allows to deal with Hg porosimetry data
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tga-spectrum provides tools to convert output files from thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) into JCAMP-DX, as well as tools to analyze the data (mass loss analysis)
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Project that allows to deal with X-ray fluorescence spectra (XRF)
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Read different formats and unify the format
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Read different formats and unify the format
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Project that allows to deal with Oil Absorption Number (OAN)
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Pakcage dealing with single mass spectra

Top contributors

lpatiny's profile
215 contributions
cheminfo-bot's profile
60 contributions
maasencioh's profile
35 contributions
kjappelbaum's profile
5 contributions
targos's profile
2 contributions

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