

Stylelint config which extends stylelint-config-standard

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Support the dependencies of carlosjeurissen/stylelint-config-ccb

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Delightful JavaScript Testing.
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Rollup plugin to minify generated es bundle
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Plugin for stylelint with a11y rules
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Convert Hex colors to either RGBA or HSLA
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Disallow property values that are ignored due to another property value in the same rule.
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Stylelint rule for preventing the use of low performance animation and transition properties.
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Stylelint plugin to add rule no-indistinguishable-colors
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Disallow nested @media rules
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Stylelint plugin for managing imports.
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Runs prettier as an stylelint rule
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stylelint plugin to disallow empty selectors
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Eslint config based on the Airbnb styleguide

Support the repos that depend on carlosjeurissen/stylelint-config-ccb

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Stylelint config based on stylelint-config-ccb with browser compatibility in mind.

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carlosjeurissen's profile
278 contributions

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