

parse a bundle generated by browser-pack

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Support the dependencies of browserify/browser-unpack

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writable stream that concatenates strings or binary data and calls a callback with the result
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parse argument options
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pack node-style source files from a json stream into a browser bundle
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tap-producing test harness for node and browsers
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the acorn javascript parser, preloaded with plugins for syntax parity with recent node versions

Support the repos that depend on browserify/browser-unpack

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convert bundle paths to IDS to save bytes in browserify bundles
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A tool for analyzing the module tree of a browserify bundle or node project
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A tool based on D3.js for analyzing/visualizing webpack bundle/stats or project
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Generate a Browserify bundle dependency tree for bundled modules
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learn browserify with this educational adventure
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Find your way through the performance optimization maze in this NodeSchool workshopper
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Browserify unpack cut a browserify bundle in multiple files for Devtools Live
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This module constructs a UMD module from a Browserify CommonJS module
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Compress browserify require paths for better minification i.e. require('some/long/path') => require(1)
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Extended version of bundle-collapser, providing support for custom collapsing and presets.
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learn browserify with this educational adventure
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A more direct streaming interface for intreq
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Jenkins CI JavaScript Build utilities.
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Jenkins CI JavaScript Build utilities.
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Updated fork of hughsk/disc: A tool for analyzing the module tree of a browserify bundle or node project
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pd-gulp generator for js tasks
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Merge browser bundles
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Reverse browserify: unpackjs is a tool to split a single file in multiple files
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Jenkins CI JavaScript Build utilities.
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Unpathify with browser-unpack 1.0.0. Compress browserify require paths for better minification i.e. require('some/long/path') => require(1)
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Jenkins CI JavaScript Build utilities.
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Browserify unpack cut a browserify bundle in multiple files
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browserify development server using HTTP/2 and ES6 Modules

Top contributors

goto-bus-stop's profile
19 contributions
hughsk's profile
5 contributions
sassanh's profile
1 contributions
mattdesl's profile
1 contributions
p0ise's profile
1 contributions
timwis's profile
1 contributions

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