

Pan / zoom for any element

MIT License
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Support the dependencies of brecert/pan-zoom

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Check if passive events are available on the current device
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Add momentum to anything. It's like iScroll, except not for scrolling. Supports mouse and touch events.
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Consistent cross browser mouse wheel movement
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requestAnimationFrame polyfill for node and the browser
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minimal two-finger pinch gesture detection
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get current touch/mouse position
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a browserify server for rapid prototyping
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regl is a fast functional WebGL framework.
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Scatter2d plot built with regl
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TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development
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A @pika/pack plugin: Adds a Node.js distribution to your package, built & optimized to run on Node.js.
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A @pika/pack plugin: Adds an ESM distribution to your package, built & optimized to run in most web browsers (and bundlers).
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A @pika/pack plugin: Builds your TypeScript package source as standard, ES2018 JavaScript.
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A @pika/pack plugin: Adds a bundled Web distribution to your package, built & optimized to run in most web browsers (and bundlers).
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A @pika/pack plugin: Adds a UMD distribution to your package, built to be flexible & run on legacy browsers & environments.

Top contributors

dy's profile
49 contributions
brecert's profile
14 contributions
lovasoa's profile
2 contributions
miguelfrmn's profile
1 contributions

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