

Braintree Drop-in for the web

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Support the dependencies of braintree/braintree-web-dropin

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browserify fs.readFileSync() static asset inliner
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browser-side require() the node way
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BDD/TDD assertion library for node.js and the browser. Test framework agnostic.
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Loads environment variables from .env file
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Minify css with clean-css.
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Rename files
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A string replace plugin for gulp
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Wrap old plugins to support streams.
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Delightful JavaScript Testing.
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An API documentation generator for JavaScript.
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Recursively mkdir, like `mkdir -p`
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simple, flexible, fun test framework
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A tiny wrapper around Node.js streams.Transform (Streams2/3) to avoid explicit subclassing noise
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Use conventional text streams at the start of your gulp or vinyl pipelines
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watch mode for browserify builds
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A small lib to detect browser compatibility for braintree products
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A suite of tools for integrating Braintree in the browser
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WebdriverIO service for better Browserstack integration
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WebdriverIO testrunner command line interface
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A WebdriverIO plugin. Adapter for Mocha testing framework.
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A WebdriverIO runner to run tests locally
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A WebdriverIO plugin to report in spec style
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A WebdriverIO plugin. Helper module to run WebdriverIO commands synchronously
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A simple event emitter.
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A module to load frontend assets.
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Browserify transform to replace placeholder with package version
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A small lib to return promises or use callbacks
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A simple node js implementation of uuid v4 for use with Braintree's JS based SDKs.
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ECMAScript 6 (Harmony) compatibility shims for legacy JavaScript engines
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Braintree's ESLint configuration

Support the repos that depend on this repository

Top contributors

braintreeps's profile
426 contributions
crookedneighbor's profile
392 contributions
lilaconlee's profile
183 contributions
jplukarski's profile
33 contributions
EvanHahn's profile
23 contributions
quinnjn's profile
21 contributions
cgdibble's profile
17 contributions
intelliot's profile
13 contributions
skunkworks's profile
13 contributions
ibooker's profile
11 contributions

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