

react-native-on-web packager tool

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babel module loader for webpack
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Module resolver plugin for Babel
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Babel plugin for React Native for Web
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Remove unnecessary React propTypes from the production build
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A webpack plugin to remove/clean your build folder(s).
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fs-extra contains methods that aren't included in the vanilla Node.js fs package. Such as recursive mkdir, copy, and remove.
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react-native mode image loader for webpack
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json loader module for webpack
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a glob matcher in javascript
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nodejs npm shell tool
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A progress bar for Webpack.
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Tweak React components in real time.
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Packs ECMAScript/CommonJs/AMD modules for the browser. Allows you to split your codebase into multiple bundles, which can be loaded on demand. Supports loaders to preprocess files, i.e. json, jsx, es7, css, less, ... and your custom stuff.
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Webpack plugin and CLI utility that represents bundle content as convenient interactive zoomable treemap
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webpack code split for react isormophic
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Webpack hot reloading you can attach to your own server
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[![NPM version][npm-image]][npm-url]
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Custom parser for ESLint
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React specific linting rules for ESLint

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