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Support the dependencies of beny1912/material-adminlte-custom

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The most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
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Bootstrap Colorpicker is a modular color picker plugin for Bootstrap 4.
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A datepicker for Bootstrap
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Slider view component for Twitter Bootstrap.
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Simple HTML5 charts using the canvas element.
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Polyfill to remove click delays on browsers with touch UIs.
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The iconic font and CSS framework
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Inputmask is a javascript library which creates an input mask. Inputmask can run against vanilla javascript, jQuery and jqlite.
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Cool, comfortable and easily customizable range slider with many options and skin support
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JavaScript library for DOM operations
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Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates
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The JavaScript Task Runner
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Grunt task for checking JavaScript Code Style with jscs.
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Leaner CSS
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Date range picker component for Bootstrap
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Timepicker widget for Twitter Bootstrap
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JavaScript WYSIWYG web text editor.
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DataTables for jQuery with styling for [Bootstrap](
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Easily render a full-sized drag & drop calendar with a combination of standard plugins
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Premium icons for Ionic.
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Nice, downward compatible, touchable, jQuery dial
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jQuery Sparklines
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A curated set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library.
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Easy, pretty charts
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Command-line progress bar and progress metrics. Helps you measure the 'pace' of a long-running script.
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JavaScript Vector Library
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Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results.
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slimscroll is a small commonjs module with no library dependencies (sans jquery) that transforms any div into a scrollable area with a nice scrollbar - similar to the one Facebook and Google started using in their products recently. slimScroll doesn't occupy any visual space as it only appears on a user initiated mouse-over. User can drag the scrollbar or use mouse-wheel to change the scroll value.
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a CSS LTR ∞ RTL converter
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A Grunt wrapper for Bootlint, the HTML linter for Bootstrap projects
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Include other files within a file.
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Grunt task for LESS.
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Automatic desktop notifications for Grunt errors and warnings. Supports OS X, Windows, Linux.
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Replace text in files using strings, regexs or functions.

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