

Dependable and safe automatic dependency updater for Nodejs packages

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Support the dependencies of bahmutov/next-updater

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Change working dir and return a promise, a stack of folders is maintained to jump back
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Large collection of predicates.
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Local promise-returning git command wrappers
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Utilities for working with github and NPM registry together
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Node commandline application to display <hr> in the console.
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Lazy assertions without performance penalty
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Recursively mkdir, like `mkdir -p`
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Light-weight option parsing with an argv hash. No optstrings attached.
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A library for promises (CommonJS/Promises/A,B,D)
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Add quotes to given string unless it already has them
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A deep deletion module for node (like `rm -rf`)
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The JavaScript Task Runner
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Bump package version
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Evaluates code maintainability using Halstead and Cyclomatic metrics.
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Quickly checks if top level dependencies are missing or out of date
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Validates filenames using given RegExp
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Grunt task for checking JavaScript Code Style with jscs.
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Opinionated package.json validator
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JavaScript native QUnit runner with code coverage and multiple extensions
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JSHint reporter based on Stylish with configurable colours
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Use micromatch to filter npm module dependencies by name.
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Automatically install pre-commit / pre-git hooks for your npm modules.
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Tests if module's dependencies can be updated to the newer version without breaking the tests
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An high available npm registry client
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My custom eslint rules in addition to the ones provided at
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Grunt task for GT - node test runner for QUnit with code coverage
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Validate JSON files from grunt.
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Grunt plugin for generating a README from templates, including an optional table of contents. No Gruntfile config is necessary, just choose a starter template and you'll be ready to go.
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Runs the program with --help option, captures output for documentation

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