

A mixin for making serializable objects

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A mixin superclass. Its subclasses have `.extend` and `.includeInto` methods to mix behavior into other objects and classes.
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Underscore plus additional utilities
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Unfancy JavaScript
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Focus jasmine specs
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The JavaScript Task Runner
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A deep deletion module for node (like `rm -rf`)
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Retrieves parameter names from a function
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Caches the contents of required CoffeeScript files so that they are not recompiled to help improve startup time

Support the repos that depend on atom/nostalgia

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A container for large mutable strings with annotated regions
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A container for large mutable strings with annotated regions
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A fork of atom editor's text-buffer. A container for large mutable strings with annotated regions
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A container for large mutable strings with annotated regions
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A container for large mutable strings with annotated regions
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A container for large mutable strings with annotated regions
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A container for large mutable strings with annotated regions

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kevinsawicki's profile
13 contributions
dbkaplun's profile
2 contributions
darangi's profile
1 contributions

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