

A hack to enable use of libraries that depend on a basic form of eval in Atom with CSP enabled

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Unfancy JavaScript
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Focus jasmine specs
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The JavaScript Task Runner
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A deep deletion module for node (like `rm -rf`)
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Temporary files and directories

Support the repos that depend on atom/loophole

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Front End Code Style Suite
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Compile CoffeeScript classes to AngularJS modules
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Markdown to PDF command line converter
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sugarlisp core is a simple lisp that all sugarlisp dialects extend from
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A nodemailer plugin to resolve doT templates in the options passed to nodemailer.
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LiveScript for Atom
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Core cross platform library for fancy-react, a set of react developer IDE tools
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Declare 'use vue' in Atom as 'use babel'.
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Retrieve the paths of any require statements in the current selection.
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A helper for user support features in
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A hack to enable use of libraries that depend on a basic form of eval in Atom, but asynchronously
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Lint Package.json on the fly, using npLint
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Linter plugin for JavaScript Blyss Style
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Linter plugin for JavaScript Modern Standard Style
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Front End Code Style Suite
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The extensible lispy language with a javascript core
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Markdown to PDF command line converter
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A plugin for Atom Linter providing an linting for the MDTKit
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Toggle git-blame annotations in the gutter of atom editor.
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library to access atlassian REST API
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Lint all of frontend codes

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kevinsawicki's profile
6 contributions
ide's profile
2 contributions
darangi's profile
1 contributions

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