

benchmark recording - averages & graphs.

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Support the dependencies of aretecode/bench-chain

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fluent chaining for obj with dot-prop access
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Pretty unicode tables for the command line. Based on the original cli-table.
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core chaining library, heavily based on [webpack-chain](
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file helpers for reading, writing, deleting, checking types & existence, extracting metadata, walking, globbing, and more.
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fluent logging with verbose insight, colors, tables, emoji, filtering, spinners, progress bars, timestamps, capturing, stack traces, clearing, & presets
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fluent timer with laps, microtime (polyfill) + parsing, multiple timers, shorthand diffs & specifications
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parse argument options
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fluent script building
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ES2017 spec-compliant String.prototype.padEnd shim.
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Main package for doxdox.
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extends power-assert, izz, fuse-box-test-runner, chai assert & should... not just sure... fosho. throws if not
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An API documentation generator for JavaScript.
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A programmatic interface for jsdoc
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A JSDoc plugin that transforms ES6 source files with Babel before they are processsed.
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Toast UI JSDoc Template

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