

A sync glob / minimatch call with a gruntjs -like `expand` of patterns, with minimum depepndencies. Derived from gruntjs's v0.4.1 `file.expand`.

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Support the dependencies of anodynos/node-glob-expand

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the most correct and second fastest glob implementation in JavaScript
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BDD/TDD assertion library for node.js and the browser. Test framework agnostic.
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The JavaScript Task Runner

Support the repos that depend on anodynos/node-glob-expand

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A functionally-oriented test runner
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Command line tool to deploy websites using FTP/SFTP and git.
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unit tests runner based on phantomjs supporting AMD pattern
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yet another less wrapper with some preconfigured plugins, `less-plugin-glob`, `autoprefixes`, and a very useful watch mode
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TypeScript project file specification + implementation
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Create deb packages with no binary dependencies
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Flat CMS based on Gulp and AbsurdJS
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Lint TypeScript files with TSLint
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Build your northbrook projects with Buba
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Generated static project documentation primarily for node.js projects. A fork of Docco-husky modified to use marked instead of showdown and prettyprint instead of pygments
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automatic documentation generator
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Creates typescript tsconfig.json based on options and fileGlobs.
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browserify transform to replace `require` calls to globs to an array of `requires`
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Flat CMS based on Gulp and AbsurdJS. Maintained fork of Techy.
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A quick way to prototype apps with React and Babel with zero-setup.
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Build a package.json from require() calls
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tsconfig.json updater for grunt
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Postgresql sql runner for grunt
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Run TSLint and Mocha test for changed files
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Simple tool to match patterns in your files and replace they with the content of another Markdown file instead.
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A Gulp plugin to perform set of activities like generating client libraries for projects on Adobe Experience Manager
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Compile your Northbrook packages with TypeScript
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Convert AMD & commonjs modules to UMD, AMD, commonjs or `combined.js` (rjs & almond) & run/test on nodejs, Web/AMD or Web/Script. Manipulate & inject module code & dependencies while building & more
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A cli tool to generate a mixin for each icon defined in the selection.json file from icomoon
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The only TypeScript plugin you will ever need.
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CommonJs Modules <--> AMD Modules
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The best TypeScript development environment
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Formatter of TypeScript code
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Extract all the translation keys for angular-translate project

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anodynos's profile
8 contributions
anru's profile
1 contributions
timmfin's profile
1 contributions

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