

JavaScript HTML to JSON Parser

ISC License
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Support the dependencies of andrejewski/himalaya

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A babel plugin that adds istanbul instrumentation to ES6 code
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Babel browserify transform
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browser-side require() the node way
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takes json-cov output into stdin and POSTs to
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cli tool that cleans up package.json files.
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Sourcemap support for gulpjs.
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the Istanbul command line interface
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Automatically install pre-commit hooks for your npm modules.
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Automatically install pre-push hooks for your npm modules.
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Fixes stack traces for files with source maps
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JavaScript Standard Style
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Convert streaming vinyl files to use buffers
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Use conventional text streams at the start of your gulp or vinyl pipelines

Support the repos that depend on andrejewski/himalaya

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Get metadata from Spotify URLs
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HTML to React converter for Frontity
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AI Enabled Open source visual builder
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Copy images in markdown without processing them.
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Compile HTML templates into JS
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Common EPUB2 data parser for Ridibooks services
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Content hash a directory of HTML/JS/CSS files and other static assets
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Generate favicons and HTML using Favicons package
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Compiler for Moon Single File Components
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Generate favicons and HTML using Favicons package
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Compile HTML templates into JS
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Get Your favorite Music from anywhere you like.
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Write your Content-Security-Policy header in JavaScript, so you can have validation and automatic hashes.
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template, style and script tags code rewriter
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It parses HTML markup and returns you all the scripts.
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Stop manually tooling your project, Skaffoldr generate configs, scripts and files matching your expectations by answering questions.
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An API package for getting information relating to Super Mario Maker, including course information and user stats
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wxss hot update by juesify ui
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Clean the content of html articles
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A docs generator based on gatsby and website of Ant Design

Top contributors

andrejewski's profile
95 contributions
greenkeeper[bot]'s profile
16 contributions
xdumaine's profile
1 contributions

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